Ingredients4u Code produit

Fava Bean Protein 90%

Manufacturer: Shuangta
lowish P
Definition: Fava beans are high in protein, around 85%, it's a complete protein and packed full of essential amino acids, iron, etc.

Application: It's also high in fibre, low in fat and has zero saturated fats and packed full of nutrients such as folate, manganese, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, postassium, thiamine and zinc. it's rich in antioxidants and will keep your immune system fighting fit. Fava Bean Protein contains a range of vitamins and minerals that have potential health benefits to people.


Plus d’information
Qualité standard Enterprise Standard
CAS 90082-41
Formule chimique /
Masse moléculaire /
Type d'emballage 20kg/Bag