Ingredients4u Code produit

Beta Alanine Powder

Fabricante: Haitian
te crystalline or crystalline p
Definition: Beta Alanineβ-Alanine (or beta-alanine) is a naturally occurring beta amino acid, which is an amino acid in which the amino group is attached to the β-carbon (i.e. the carbon two atoms away from the carboxylate group) instead of the more usual α-carbon for alanine (α-alanine).

Application: It can help continuously increase carnosine in muscle, enhance the ability of muscle to reduce injury, reduce / delay fatigue caused by muscle oxidation, improve endurance and promote recovery after intense exercise/workout.


Plus d’information
Qualité standard AJI92
CAS 107-95-9
Formule chimique C3H7NO2
Masse moléculaire 89.09
Type d'emballage 25.0kg/Drum